let's <build> something cool

<my work>



HTML5, CSS, Flexbox, responsive images/typography, media queries

A 3-page website for a tech industry retreat that uses mobile responsive design. The site features a Google Map integration and responsive elements to create a clean, informative site.


Rogue Pickings Website

HTML5, CSS, Flexbox, responsive images/typography, media queries

A simple home page perfect for a pop-up restaurant or food truck. Originally a static website, I converted it into a responsive design using Flexbox.


Jubilee Austen Project

HTML5 & CSS Website

A simple, static home page for a web developer, complete with a navigation menu and ready for multi-page expansion. This project focused on extracting images, fonts, and measurements, along with other essential information, from a Photoshop design file and translate it into a site using HTML and CSS.


Recipe Collection

HTML5 & CSS Exercise

A single-page website featuring three recipe cards styled with CSS.

<about me>

I am passionate about clean, elegant code.

I am creative professional based out of Rochester, NY, with degrees in industrial and graphic design. Years working for a small business and helping to manage their website, left me frustrated with the design restrictions I encountered as a result of not knowing how to code. My journey into tech started as a way to expand my design skills, but when I built my first website, I realized I had found something that satisfied both the right and the left sides of my brain. A way to finally combine my creativity with my attention to detail and organized thinking!

I can’t wait to work with you!